Thursday, August 6, 2009


He lies on the ground. Motionless. Beat. Gusty winds sweep the sand across his face. The sun's rays blaze upon him. Everything around him starts fading away in the intense heat. Perhaps evaporating. Maybe this is what will happen to him. He'll fade away, just like the rest.

He tries to stand up. He can't. He's beat. He thinks he needs help. Perhaps someone would just come around and help him stand. He just waits for that to happen.

He can see someone approaching. At last, some help. He gathers all his energy and extends his hand. But no hand holds his in return. The person comes and simply walks by. He loses all hope and his hand falls back to the ground. He lies there, still.

All hope's lost. The heat's growing intense. He is going to fade away just like the rest. He closes his eyes. He can see nothing but darkness. But within that darkness, he can see some light. Memories flash in front of his closed eyes.

Enter realization. He was living on baseless hopes. There is no help, no care. You make yourself, you shape yourself.

And suddenly, there is an adrenaline rush. He can feel the energy. He tries to get up. He fails and falls. He tries again and stands up. He wipes the sand of his face and starts walking. Gradually, he increases his pace. He starts running. Faster than he ever had. And then, he smiles. Because he isn't beat anymore. But in fact, he's beat himself.